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How to install a flush-to-the-wall-panel.

Step by step instructions to install a flush-to-the-wall panel in a masonry wall.

Do you want to conceal recesses, wiring or meters with a flush-to-the-wall panel? Excellent idea. The special technology of flush-to-the-wall panels makes for total invisibility. Thanks to the absence of protruding elements and adjustable hidden hinges, a closed flush-to-the-wall panel is perfectly aligned with the housing wall. Furthermore, to open and close it a soft push of your hand will be sufficient – no need for handles. But ? Here is how to install a flush-to-the-wall panel in a masonry wall.

Flush-to-the-wall panel: what it looks like.

Flush-to-the-wall solutions can differ depending on the maker. InvisibleDoor panels are easy to install in plasterboard or masonry walls. The panel, 19 mm in width, is in fact pre-installed in the frame, and the hinges fitted on the panels are adjustable. This makes it possible to adjust height, length and depth to compensate for any defects in the wall so that the panel will be perfectly aligned. Flush-to-the-wall panels can be ordered without handles, with push/pull systems, or with knobs. Here is how to install them in three simple steps.

How to install flush-to-the-wall panels in masonry.

1. Take the panel (A) mounted in the frame (B) and insert it in the opening in the brickwork. During this operation, you must pay attention that it is level and plumb in all directions.

2. Fasten the frame by walling in the cramp irons already arranged on the frame (C) .

3. Apply mesh on the surfaces where the plaster meets the aluminum frame and spackel carefully.

Thus installation will be practical and efficient. In any case, InvisibleDoor will gladly install your panels on demand.
