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InvisibleDoor doors are sold with a preassembled squared frame to make them easier to install.

You can install an InvisibleDoor door yourself. In fact, the quality of the door itself and the fact that it comes equipped with a preassembled squared frame will make the operation easier. Thus, you won’t need to request technical assistance should you not want it. You can install your flush-to-the-wall panel or door in either masonry or drywall.

See our technical information sheets for installation instructions.

Preassembled squared frames: what are the advantages?

InvisibleDoor systems are sold with ready-to-be-installed, preassembled squared frames. When you install your own door, one of the most delicate phases is the placing and setting of the frame. Some producers sell frames that require assembling, which takes time as you will have to screw, bracket, or glue the corners depending on the type of frame. Furthermore, all these operations need to be carried out very carefully or you risk ending up with an irregular frame. For this reason, before you install a frame, you always have to make sure it is in-square, both horizontally and vertically, with a bubble level and plumb line.

With InvisibleDoor’s preassembled squared frame you will save a significant amount of time and the final result will be more professional.

Discover all the InvisibleDoor products you can install on your own or for which you can request the assistance of our experts.

Have you already purchased an InvisibleDoor door, panel, or wardrobe? Visit our website to discover how to install it in masonry or drywall, or contact us if you require assistance.
